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Annotated Transcript

FALL 2013

TE 802

Instructor: Cassie Brownell

While this course focused on literacy instruction, it also included creating core literacy beliefs, developing goals for literacy learners, recognizing the connections between curriculum, instruction and assessment, and reflecting and writing about professional learning. In this course, I completed three inquiry assignments that all related to the literacy in my school context. Overall, this course allowed me to create my own beliefs about literacy, while also learning more about the resources available in my district and school during my teaching internship.




TE 802

TE 803

Instructor: Dr. Denice Blair

This course focused on learning about the strategies and tools for differentiating instruction in the classroom, while also incorporating the importance of social studies education and authentic learning experiences. Working collaboratively, I created a social studies unit plan that I implemented during my teaching internship. Using the resources available in my school context, I developed a series of lessons based on the standards of my grade level, while also considering the different needs of my students. Additionally, I participated in lesson study, where I had the opportunity to create, observe and reflect on an implemented lesson with my colleagues.

TE 804

Instructor: Martha Beitner-Miller

Although the content of TE 804 was science, this course focused on the importance of creating a positive classroom learning environment by utilizing classroom management strategies. In order to create a positive learning community, I identified a problem that existed in my classroom during my teaching internship. I then planned different interventions in order to improve and develop the classroom community. By analyzing data from the implemented intervention, I reflected on the effectiveness of the strategies used.


WRT 515

Instructors: Mary Cox & Kathleen Reddy-Butkovich

This is a transfer course that I completed at Oakland University called the Meadow Brook Writing Project. For three weeks, I immersed myself as a writer and created many different writing pieces that were shared collaboratively with classmates and instructors. I also learned how to best implement writing in my own classroom setting. I created a demonstration based on writing workshop that was presented during this course. The presentation gave background information about writing at the elementary level, as well as a writing lesson that could be implemented at any grade level.


CEP 810

Instructors: Ron Houtman & Emily Stone

In CEP 810, I learned the importance of a professional learning network by creating my first professional Twitter account and my own blog. Using both platforms, I shared my experiences of my networked learning project where I explored a new topic through the use of YouTube videos. I also was introduced to Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK), which is the backbone of educational technology. By exploring TPACK in this course, I learned the importance of repurposing technology for other uses.


TE 846

Instructor: Marliese Peltier

While this course mainly focused on the best practices of literacy, it also included many other topics, including differentiated instruction, student motivation, and accommodations or practices for all learners. Through this course, I had the opportunity to work with a student where I used assessment to inform my literacy instruction. I developed a series of lessons to address my student’s area of need in literacy. I analyzed data and created future literacy recommendations for this student based on literacy best practices.

CEP 800

Instructors: Dr. Danah Henriksen & Josh Rosenberg

This course examined the different uses of technology and the relationship between the components of TPACK, while also considering various learning theories. By utilizing backwards design and considering TPACK, I created a technology based grant proposal for transformative learning that applies to the learners in my classroom. In addition, I used design thinking to create and implement a science, technology, engineering, arts and technology session for a technology conference in the Lansing area. In both of these projects, I learned the importance of creating authentic learning experiences, while also considering how people learn.

CEP 815

Instructors: Dr. Danah Henriksen & Josh Rosenberg

This course focused on developing the educational leadership skills needed to become a leader in technology. Additionally, I gained knowledge on how to manage learning in a world where technology is constantly changing. In this course, I exhibited a leadership role in technology by creating, planning and hosting a Webinar that focused on using technology effectively to assist learning. By using Google Hangouts, I created and broadcasted a live webinar that included guests who were experts in educational technology.

CEP 822

Instructors: Dr. Danah Henriksen & Josh Rosenberg

The focus of this course was educational research and, specifically, the importance of developing the skills needed for both interpreting and evaluating research. I had the opportunity to conduct my own research for a project by investigating a misconception and developing research questions based on uncovering that misconception. I then analyzed the research data and synthesized the findings. In addition, I learned how to evaluate the credibility of experts in the educational field.

FALL 2017

CEP 807

Instructors: Dr. Matthew Koehler, Brittany Dillman, Spencer Greenhalgh

& Sarah Keenan-Lechel

CEP 807 is the final course in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology program. Through this course, I developed an online professional portfolio that showcases the courses I completed throughout my master’s degree. In addition, I reflected on my experiences throughout my master’s program and how it has impacted my goals and instruction as an educator. I had the opportunity to collaborate with others on a weekly basis to reflect on the assignments and provide feedback to one another to create a strong portfolio.

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